Services We offer
Seminars and Videos
We provide local and traveling seminars on modern teaching methodologies, strategies, and concepts for schools interested in providing superior teaching for their special needs students. We also offer video instruction detailing various special needs and their real world concerns. The videos provide advice and knowledge from professional therapists, teachers, and experts in their field.
1WMAF Membership
Two ways to join our organization! Either attend our certification seminar in your area, or enroll in our online courses that include modern special education teaching methodologies, various educational concepts for specific disabilities and special needs. A certification test will be required at the end of the classes / seminars. After your certification, you will be a member of 1WMAF.
Student Resource
We will serve as a legitimate ranking body for students with special needs, to honor and uphold the integrity of earned rank through effort. For parents, we will provide a list of member schools who are looking for a school that understands their unique challenges. We will, on our members behalf, aggressively advertise and network with local agencies that work with the special needs population in your area.
School Resource
We will raise funds for our member schools to provide scholarships to economically disadvantaged students, purchase necessary specialty equipment for disabled students, and provide timely advice and continuing support for their programs. We will also stay active connecting schools together through events such as tournaments.
One World Martial arts Federation
The One World Martial Arts Federation has at its heart three goals:
One: Provide educational resources for Martial Arts schools everywhere in order to prepare them to provide superlative Martial Arts instruction to students with disabilities and special needs.
Two: Provide a legitimate ranking body to award, recognize, and archive student rankings and belt promotions for students that might not meet rigid, inflexible standards of other organizations.
Three: Support Member Schools by providing scholarships for economically disadvantaged students, students in Foster Care, and funding to offset the high costs of specialized equipment needed for students with disabilities.
Become part of the Federation!
with a disability or special needs
in the last TWO YEARS
population we can help